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Medical Requirements


Medical Forms and Information

Physicals and Immunizations
are required for all kindergarten, sixth, and ninth-grade students as well as all students entering school for the first time regardless of grade. These forms are due on or before October 1, no exceptions. Physicals must be dated within one (1) year from the first day of school, and must use the Illinois State Physical Form (not the Sports Physical Form). Illinois State Law now requires that all students entering grades 6 and 12 will be required to receive: 1 dose of meningococcal vaccine (grade 6); and 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine (grade 12), one dose being at or after the age of 16.

Dental Exams are required for all kindergarten, second, and sixth-grade students. The exam must be completed and turned into the Health Office at your child’s school by May 15 of the current school year. It cannot be completed more than 18 months prior to the May 15 deadline.

Eye Exams are required for kindergarten and all transfer students new to Illinois. The exam must be completed by a licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist by October 1 of the current school year.

Medication Policy is in place to allow a student to take medication during school hours. The medication must be brought to the school nurse by the parent/guardian in the original medication bottle, and must be accompanied by the “Authorization and Permission to Administer Medication” form that has been completed and signed by the child’s physician. This policy applies to ALL medication, prescription, and over the counter medications including cough drops. By law, inhalers no longer need a physician’s signature, but must be presented to the school nurse with a copy of the inhaler’s pharmacy label that has the physician’s information and RX number. NO MEDICATIONS WILL BE GIVEN WITHOUT THE PROPER FORMS COMPLETED AND SIGNED.

EPI-Pens, Insulin, Insulin Pumps, Inhalers, and other Emergency Medications that need to be on the student’s person, require a “Request for Self-Administration” form in addition to the “Authorization and Permission to Administer Medication” form.  These forms are available on the District 115 webpage or from any of the school offices. The forms must be on file in the nurse’s office by the first day of attendance.

Vision Screenings are mandated for early childhood, kindergarten, second, and eighth grades.

Hearing Screenings are mandated for early childhood, first, second, and third grades. In addition to the mandated grade levels, screenings will be conducted for special education students, students referred by a teacher, and students new to the district. Testing will begin on or after October 1 of the school year, and continue until all mandatory screenings have been completed. Parents will be notified if there are any abnormal findings. These are only screenings and should never replace a thorough exam by a doctor. If your child is already under the care of a physician and wears (or should be wearing) glasses or hearing aids, please inform the school nurse. Please notify your child’s school nurse if you do not want your child to have a vision or hearing screening at school.